As of


Updates on Ergberg's Jotter do not happen very often. This page allows you to trigger reloads.

As pointed out in the discussion on page reloads, there might be unexpected complications when you want to update the content of a VitePress site. This page allows you to check whether new content is available, and if so, to trigger an update.

How this works

Hitting the button above tries to fetch the most recent version of /version.txt from the server. If there is a new version, a button is offered that will reload the page. If a service worker exits, the button is labeled "Update" otherwise it says "Reload". Pressing it fetches the new version of the actual page. If no service workers are active, this resets the jotter and the new version is available.

If a service worker exists, it is removed before the reload happens. That will install a new service worker on reload and the service worker will fill its caches with the most recent version. For obvious reasons, /version.txt is not included in the list of files to be cached.