As of

What's new?

🗞The content of the jotter will not change frequently. The most important new jottings and features are documented in this changelog.


07/12/2023Updates and minor fixes.
09/08/2022Cleanup day! Pages deployments pile up over time. Now a worker does the chores for me.
09/03/2022Extension of the Cloudflare Pages and VitePress jottings to explain Route Matching and its consequences.
09/01/2022Ergberg's Jotter can now be read offline with browsers that support service workers.
New update page that allows to check for new versions.
08/15/2022Introduced this changelog and fixed hydration problems caused by new deployments.
New jotting about PWA.
New jotting about reload errors after rebuilding the site and how to avoid them.
Extension of the VitePress jotting to describe how to configure PWA headers.
Extension of the Vue jotting describing hydration.
08/01/2022Initial public release of Ergberg's Jotter.
03/06/2022First jottings under development.
02/27/2022Project start.