As of
I like it. The only programming language I like even more is TypeScript.
See also: Cytoscape.js, esbuild, HMR, Jamstack, JSON, Mermaid.js, Prism, Rollup, Shiki, SSG, SSR, TypeScript, Webpack
You also might want to read about the following topics:
- Asynchronous Components⏲ Typically, Vue components are loaded synchronously with their parents. Read, how this can be decoupled.
- Elimination of Errors after Deployment💔You don't want pages to break when updating the website. But that's exactly what happened to the jotter.
- Graphs with Mermaid & DotIncluding diagrams as images is cumbersome. It is better to include the specification of the graph in the Markdown and generate the diagrams automatically.
- Rapid Development with ViteVite is the development server of choice that also supports fast builds with Rollup.
- Reactive Components with VueWhat I like about Vue and a quick glance under the hood.
- Scott me up, Beamy!🖖 How to avoid common pitfalls when using Vue's teleport component with VitePress layout.
- Static Site Generation with VitePress
- Unambitious Site Search🔍
VitePress has a default slot for search (powered by
Looked into it, found provisioning of data more complicated than search itself and started my own search.