As of
Cloudflare, Inc is a company that offers different global internet services including CDN, DNS, static web space, serverless functions and security features. Ergberg's Jotter is run by Cloudflare.
See also: CDN
You also might want to read about the following topics:
- Acquire a Domain Name🇹🇰Domain names only cost a few dollars a year, but you can also register a domain name for free.
- Configure Your DNS Server🌐 DNS Setting up a DNS server.
- Consistency Checks☑️ It is interesting, how many things can go wrong. And got rotten over times. Better watch out!
- Development Tooling🏭Let's get rid of the manual tasks! Every project grows some extra scaffolding and development tooling over time. Here is mine.
- Running on Cloudflare Pages🔌 You do not need a dedicated server to run a Jamstack site in the cloud.
- Set up Secure Internet CommunicationWhat did I need to do to encrypt the data in transit and authenticate to my peers?
- Setting up Cloudflare TunnelAt first, I installed the Cloudflare daemon `cloudflared` on my GCP box.
- You can Send me a Note📧 I look forward to constructive feedback. Do not hesitate to send me a message.