As of
Referenced from Markup.
HyperText Markup Language. A textual representation for the initial view of a webpage. Browsers build the initial DOM of a webpage from HTML documents.
You also might want to read about the following topics:
- Automated Glossaryš The automated glossary on this website provides consistent, global short descriptions for terms that require some explanation.
- Consistency Checksāļø It is interesting, how many things can go wrong. And got rotten over times. Better watch out!
- Dark Mode for VitePress 0.x
- Elimination of Errors after DeploymentšYou don't want pages to break when updating the website. But that's exactly what happened to the jotter.
- Last Modification Dateš Metadata allows you to spot outdated content.
- PWA: Manifest and Service WorkerMake your web app look and feel a little more like a native application.
- Rapid Development with ViteVite is the development server of choice that also supports fast builds with Rollup.
- Reactive Components with VueWhat I like about Vue and a quick glance under the hood.
- Running on Cloudflare Pagesš You do not need a dedicated server to run a Jamstack site in the cloud.
- Styling with Tailwind CSSHow to use Tailwind CSS to style content in VitePress.
- The Second Sidebarš I added a sidebar to the right. It can be opened and closed with the
š icon at the top right corner of the page. - Unambitious Site Searchš
VitePress has a default slot for search (powered by
Looked into it, found provisioning of data more complicated than search itself and started my own search. - You can Send me a Noteš§ I look forward to constructive feedback. Do not hesitate to send me a message.